My sister Stephanie and her boyfriend Nathan have visited several times this summer from Ottawa and each time they bring their cameras. They have been able to shoot interesting pics of my kids - all at a slightly different angle than I always shoot. It is neat to have their perspective on my 3 little munchkins.
Both of these layouts feature pictures shot by them at different times this summer.

My sister shot these pics of my sons and my father on a recent camping trip. Anytime my children can spend with their ailing Poppa I consider PRICELESS.
The journaling reads, "These ordinary moments couldn't be more beautiful to me. "

Love this picture of Camden. He looks very pensive and serious. Camden is usually our goofy prankster who gets joy out of bothering others. Yep, he may be our future bully and/or felon!!
Here is a closeup on the journaling: