But man- she is a trooper! Never one to stop for anything, she is back in the saddle, filling her time with all of her favourite things. She goes out for coffee 3 times a week, meets for power walks in the park, volunteers for the local hospital and theatre, sings in the church choir and will drop everything at anytime to come spend time with her grandkids!
So, when I saw a particular wreath on Pinterest, I knew I wanted to make it for her.
You see- my Mom is a knitter. Not just a knitter- her liscense plate actually says "NITTER" and she has been a demon with the needles since long before I was born!
I knew this wreath would be perfect for her front door.
Lovely isn't it?
How did I make it? Easy Peasy.
First I wrapped 3 sizes of foam balls in 4 colours of yarn. There are about 30 foam balls and it took all of each ball of yarn to cover them completely.
I think the big red polka-dot bow is just the perfect way to finish it off. Not too much, but just a little kick to fancy it up!
I hope to give it to her tomorrow. Once Hallowe'en is over I am sure she won't waste any time getting her Christmas decorations up!
how fun and colourful! What a great way to brighten her day.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love this wreath! You are SO crafty!!
ReplyDeleteI love this wreath! And how appropriate for you Mom! I love the colours that you used! Thank you so much for visiting me and leaving a comment! I have tried pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and squares before and your are right..they are equally as delicioius! Angie xo
ReplyDeleteHi Bronwyn! Thank you for the nice comment you left about my little 'trees'. I really appreciate when people take the time to check out my blog and leave a comment! I do have to say, though, that YOU are the patient one...that's a lot of wrapping you did for this project! I absolutely LOVE this wreath and I've wanted to try my hand at one for a while now. The colors you chose are so pretty and seem like they'd work for any holiday. I bet your mom will love it. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is gorgeous! I'm tempted to make one to use year-round in our living room. :)
ReplyDeleteI found your post on Trendy Treehouse.