
Friday, September 3, 2010

Trying Somethng New....

It figures - I am trying out a new creative outlet and it may be a more expensive craft than scrapbooking!! Here's a peek:


I really wanted to make myself a new lunchbag for work and one weekend, home visiting my parents, I walked by a quilting store on the main street. Sure enough, in the window were samples of bags of all sizes done in a plethora of gorgeous prints. I had to have one and I knew I'd have to make it myself. Luckily, I am an experienced sewer and knew that putting one of these bags together wouldn't be too hard.


I loved choosing the matching fabrics at the store and then cutting them out and sewing them together to create a pretty patchwork. I will not lie, I did not hand-quilt the layers together, I used my machine because my time was tight if I wanted my bag before school starts again!

Here is the finished product:


I love how I mixed-up the button colours to go with the crazy mix of fabrics.


Do you like? I have enough fabric to make another matching bag. I think little Afton will receive my next one!!


Thanks so much for popping by my little world. I'd love to hear from you. Comments make my day!!