
Friday, January 23, 2015

Making Me Happy This Week...

1. Date night with hubby in Toronto.  We had a lovely dinner out (complete with an alcoholic hot chocolate for dessert) and a visit to the theatre to see the musical, "The Heart of Robin Hood."  Kevin's new job has quite a few "perks" and these tickets were free!  However, Kevin and I both agreed that we would have happily paid big bucks to see this show. It was amazing - the music, the acting, the stage set-up and the high-flying, circus-like, hanging-from -the-ceiling-by-ropes choreography!

2.) Spring flowers! I bought these pink snapdragons for next to nothing at the grocery store.  Such a cheery colour and a reminder that spring is on its way!

3.) Hot chocolate and homemade oatmeal cookies.  Perfect for a day like today - cold and blustery. 

4.)How about a bunch of yucky, blackened bananas? Not so attractive now, but they turned into the yummiest chocolate chip banana bread.

5.  New music! She might be nearly "old news" on the other side of the Atlantic, but I am really digging Ella Henderson these days.  I downloaded this disk on the Christmas holidays and I haven't stopped listening to it since! Even my 8 year old daughter is addicted to this soulful pop music!

6.  Healthy eating - trying to eat as many veggies as possible.  Even the kids have become used to half a plate of veg at each meal. 

7.  Tea.  How is it possible that a warm cup of liquid can be so relaxing and taste so good?  I found a new Canadian Tea company that makes the most delicious tea flavours too - Tealish Teas.  They are based out of Toronto and make flavours like "Chocolate Macaron Madness" and "Lemon Meringue Herbal Dessert."

Have a wonderful weekend! I'll be back early next week with some pics from the family adventure we have planned for Saturday!
Hugs to all,


  1. Looking forward to seeing what your weekend has to offer :) Sounds interesting x x x

    1. Pics are edited. I'm hoping to post about our adventure on Monday, Gem!

  2. Your bananas in a "vase" made me smile - an interesting interior decorating style! :-) Glad you enjoyed your night out - it looks cold where you are! xx

    1. Hubby hasn' tbrought me flowers in awhile so I had to improvise with over-ripe fruit! :)Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment - it makes my day!!

  3. I've just been catching up on your posts Bronwyn, sorry but your blog was not showing up on my side bar but that has been rectified now and your posts will once again be glowing for me to see! A very happy belated Birthday to Bryn, that dog sledding looks brilliant!! Now, chocolate chip banana bread... I wonder if mini eggs would be too big!! Take care xx

    1. Oh yes! Try it with mini-eggs! you might have to smash them up a bit, but it would be delicious! Bryn is 10 already! Where did my baby go? I'll have teenagers just like you before I know it!!


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