For a change today, I am using the words of my 8-year-old son. He has lived only a short time, but has a colourful (and sometimes scary!) life story to tell already.
Here it is in his own words:
Hello. My name is Bryn. I am 8 years and I love LEGO. When I was six years old, some doctors found a sickness in my head. It was a brain tumour the size of a big orange. It was stuck in between my brain and my cerebellum and it was crushing both of them. So, that same day I had a 7 hour operation to take the bad lump out.
It took a long time for me to get better after the surgery. I stayed in the hospital for lots of days then stayed home from school for 2 months. I needed a lot of therapy to help learn to use my “new“ brain. I had to practise going up and down stairs and walking on a line. My mommy made me take lots of naps and we had SO many visits to the hospital to see lots of different doctors.
I feel much better now and I am excellent on my bike! I am still a bit sad because the tumour made me blind in my left eye. Also, my hands don't work very well and I have trouble printing, cutting and drawing. The doctors can't fix this now, but hopefully someday they can.
Many kids get brain tumours and things don't turn out so well for them. I have met lots of other brain tumour kids who can't walk or speak or have cancer. I am lucky that I can run and walk so my family and I are walking in the “Spring Sprint” for the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada. TEAM BRYN has raised thousands of dollars in other years and we want to do it again this year.
Here is Mommy and I at our first Spring Sprint in June of 2011, 3 1/2 months after my surgery.
We raised over $1000 that year.
In 2012 we raised over $1500!!
This year I am hoping for $2000 to help brain
tumour patients and their families.
(Mommy and I baked these for a bake sale at her school. The nice teachers she works with said my baking was delicious and gave us lots of donations!)
Thank-you so much for you donation!
Love and hugs!
Bryn and Bronwyn