
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Felt-Soled Crocheted Baby Booties

Hello blog reading friends!
Yes -my family and I made it back, safe and sound, from our week in Florida.  I have a ton of pics to show you, but I need to go through and edit a few. So, I promise  I'll share some pics in my next post.  

In the meantime......

A couple of weeks ago, I spied  the cutest project made by Jaime (from Raising Up Rubies )on Instagram.

She was crocheting baby booties but adding a little flair to the  soles.

I immediately grabbed my crochet hook and a bootie pattern ( I used  THIS ONE) and got started.

Aren't they the cutest?  

After crocheting the foot section and the sweet little ruffly cuff, I added some sweet little pink buttons.  These secure the booties onto  baby's wiggly feet.

And the soles?  What makes them special?

Oh yes.  Some felt hearts, hand-stitched with embroidery floss.  

Ca-ute!! If I do say so myself.  : )

I have 2 cousins and 4 friends ready to have babies in the next 6 weeks.  I have a feeling I'll be making a few more pairs of these in the near future.  

Thanks for popping by!!


(By the way - you can now follow me on Bloglovin. I guess we all  better make the switch before they steal GF from us permanently!)


  1. They look lovely! I am sure you're going to be very busy with all those babies due!

  2. Saw your link @ sugar & dots - I LOVE these! SO cute! I've actually crocheted those booties before - I think I'll go add a cute sole now. :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. Those little booties are adorable. The heart on the sole really sets them apart and adds a lovely extra detail. x

  4. These are so sweet. Love the addition of the little hearts.
    Thanks for the inspiration,
    Pieced Pastimes

  5. They are super cute! I love the idea of felt soles.

  6. love those!! I have a friend due with her first boy, I may have to make something like this!!


Thanks so much for popping by my little world. I'd love to hear from you. Comments make my day!!