
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Camden's Quilt

Way back, at the end of last summer, I purchased this selection of fabrics to make a quilt for the foot of my youngest son's bed.  Camden has a set of bunk beds in his room- one bed already has a antique quilt made in 1941 across it, so my plan was to make a matching one for the other bed.  
 Within a week I had the 6 rectangles cut and sewn together into strips and lined up in between rows of cream coloured cotton.  Ta-da!
My hope was that it would turn out looking like rows of bricks.  I didn't get the layout quite right, but the colourful blocks still look eye-catching.  
Finally, in the fall, my mother helped me pin the backing and quilt batting together so that I could proceed with machine quilting it all together.  
After the "quilting" was complete, the Christmas season was upon us and it became lost in amongst all of  the seasonal crafting I wanted to do.  But last weekend, mostly by request of little Cam  - "Where is my quilt, Mommy?", I dug it out again and sewed on the edging.  This is the hardest part, if you ask me.  

It turned out far from perfect, but I don't think my little guy (and girl) mind! (Within minutes of its completion, Mr. Quilt became a cover of warmth while the kids watched "Astro Boy" for the 27th time that week!)

Here, Cam and I are admiring mommy's handiwork from above.  
When the movie was over, onto the top bunk it went.  It works perfectly with the brown bunk beds, the yellow walls and the blue bedcovers.  
Here it is with the yard sale purchased antique quilt.  The older quilt is definitely more delicate and was created by a far more talented sewer than I!!  But I do believe Camden likes the one made by Mommy more!!
Already, I have begun searching  out my next big sewing project.  Hmm...I think I'll choose something that practises my edge-binding skills.  That needs work!!

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  1. I'm following you with Linky would you follow back. Pat

  2. Very beautiful (I also loved your post...cornflowers in memory of your dad). You have a wonderful and generous spirit!

  3. The new quilt looks fantastic. I love how it picks up the yellow of the vintage quilt. I've never made a quilt, but one of these years I will. I love the simple designs and bright fresh colours like yours.

  4. What a great way to use up your stash! Both quilts are absolutely fantastic!

  5. I love Camden's quilt!! I'm featuring this tomorrow! The bunk picture just makes me so happy with your fun quilts on the ends of the beds :)

    (PS. Did I ever come over and say thanks for complimenting Merritt's name and swooning over your own kiddo's names?? If not, I'm so sorry! I love the names Camden and Afton. And, I'm pretty sure you have a third kid, but I can't remember her it Bryn, or did I make that up?? Well, if I did make it up, Bryn is a very cute name that you might consider for number four) ;-)


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