Here is Sketchy Thursdays sketch of the week:

And my Layout:

Here is the journalling:

Yes. We recently went through what no parent EVER wants to go through. To make a long story short (and to keep my from getting weepy AGAIN!)the story goes like this:
During a regular yearly check of Bryn's eyes, the Optometrist saw that his optic nerves were swollen, so he sent us to an Opthalmologist to check these nerves in better detail. He told us that swelling of this kind in the optic nerves is usually caused by swelling of the brain. He sent us for an emergency MRI. Bryn had an MRI at 5pm and by 6:30 we were told he had a fist-sized tumour growing within his skull, crushing his brain and cerebellum. He would need surgery immediately and by 9pm he was in the OR for a 6 hour surgery. Amazingly, everything went perfectly and Bryn has recovered VERY well! His tumor is a benign cystic tumor called a Pilocytic Astrocytoma and it happens in 1 in 100 000 people. Bryn will be under watch for years to come, but we are so glad to have him with us, happy and healthy, even after that ordeal!!

Want to see what this kind of tumor looks like? Here is an example from another child (Bryn's was larger!):

Thanks for reading!