
Sunday, September 29, 2013

The One Where I Make a Circle Granny Square Blanket

Start a new crochet project?  Oh yes. 
 How about on the long, 5 hour train ride to visit my sister?

Collect several balls of colourful, leftover yarn:

Select pattern.

Do a quick run-through at home to ensure that it will all work out.

(Wouldn't that be a bummer to have all this yarn on the train, but the pattern stunk? You know - like wrong stitch numbers or missing rounds in the instructions?)

Pattern is A-OK!

Begin train ride.
Begin crocheting, around and around...
(The tray table in front of my seat was the perfect place to lay out all my little balls of yarn so that I could  mix and match colours!)

By the time I had completed my weekend away at my sister's, and after 10 hours of almost constant crocheting on the train, I had stitched 38 colourful centres for the squares in my afghan.
(That's about half of what I needed - but it was a good start!)

Over the next few weeks, I begin adding the white edging to the rainbow circles.
The two rows of white are a nice foil to the mix of leftovers I used to create the centres.

Before long - IT WAS TIME!!

I'm crocheting all these squares into a blanket!

I always get very excited at this point. The end is so near.  I can feel the cozi-ness of this afghan already.  It is going to be fabulous during the autumn and right into the frigidness of winter here in Canada.  

The only thing standing in my way??
10 000 ends to sew in.
It's wonderful to make a colourful blanket using 56 shades of one's favourite colours - but in the end, every beginning and end of each colour has to be sewn in by hand.  Ugh.

But I did it.  
It took a whole week of evenings, but I sewed in every last one of them.
 Darn, I'm good.

So close to completion now. 

Just the edging to go.  
I kept it simple - 2 rows of white granny stitch around the whole thing.

And here it is!!



And it's already got a home on the corner of our new sofa in our living room.  

 The kids love it.
My husband loves it.

I think this blanket is going to be well loved and well used!

Thanks for popping by!

Love you all,



  1. Love it Bronwyn! I so want to make one of these one day! Love the colours! Angie xo

  2. These are such beautiful crochet patterns! lovely ... almost too pretty to use! I'd have to hang it up.

  3. Love this blanket! The colors are so pretty! I wish I had the patience to do this stuff, it's beautiful!

  4. This is gorgeous! I slaved away on my granny square afghan all last winter but I still haven't gotten around to putting it completely together. You have inspired me to do so :)

    Amy | Club Narwhal

  5. Those cheerful colors and the idea of this just make me smile. Thanks so much for sharing your happy project on BeColorful's Motivated Monday this week.

  6. That is gorgeous, Bronwyn! The colours are so fun and the white really grounds everything. It looks beautiful in your room too. That was a great idea to use your time so productively on the train ride. When I get to be a passenger, for example on trips up north to visit family, I always bring my stitching along. Would you mind sharing the pattern source?

  7. Bronwyn, this is just georgous. I love the coloured circles framed with the white yarn. Beautiful! I'm featuring this at tomorrow's Thriving on Thursday.

    Anne xx

  8. Although you started those squares in April, you still finished that thing WAY faster than I would have. Actually, this is a skill I might be able to develop. Perhaps you'll teach me to crochet this weekend?

  9. Hi I love your blanket that you made. It is so pretty and I love the colors! Congrats on the feature at thriving on thursday!
    Julie from

  10. Gorgeous, B! I was looking at a pattern very similar to make with all my leftover bits. I love the white with all the colour.


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