
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"Life is Good" Sign

We've recently redecorated the whole main floor of our home. Basically, we made 4 small spaces into 2 big ones.  Our kitchen prep area, eating area and TV room became just the kitchen - prep space and eating space.  The living/dining areas became the TV room.   We now have 2 well used spaces instead of one large unused  room being left as a super-size hallway that lead to the food and the TV.  

I'm not ready to show you the finished rooms yet, but I will give you some sneak peeks here today.  

We painted the whole main floor a lovely silvery grey.  I ADORE it.  It is the perfect colour to show-off all of the colourful things I have made and collected.  

There was one large expanse of space that needed a large piece of art and I didn't want to pay too much for it.
Enter DIY!

I made this large sign using an old canvas art piece that had seen better days.  I simply painted over the original art with a few coats of paint and I was off to the races!!

I then cut some large text out of white cardstock on my Cricut paper cutting machine.  

 I simply attached it with home made Mod Podge  (white glue and water!)

Once the text was secure and dry, I added a bit of age to my sign using a dry-brushing technique that adds an antique-y look.  

And here is the finished product:

I love how striking the white and red is.

It is very eye-catching and most people comment on it as soon as they enter our home.  

Here is a little peek at one corner of our new family room.  
We bought a new sofa and several new white slipcovers.  

I really like how it is all coming together . . .

I'd like to find something to hang above my sign - perhaps an architectural salvage piece . . . 
It just seems to be missing something up above.

What do you think?

Before I go, I'd love to share a few photos of the kids on a recent visit to a local fun farm.  

 We went shopping for pumpkins - and a yummy snack.  We found both!

Happy Fall, Y'all!!

Thanks for the visit,

Love, Bronwyn


  1. So cute Bronwyn!! I love the hit of red, can't wait to see the rest of your transformation. What a fab sounding reno!!

  2. This is such a striking sign Bronwyn and really sets off the new colour of your walls. Well done you xx

  3. It sounds like things have been very busy there with your Reno. I love hoe your canvas turned out! It's very striking.

  4. Loving the sneak peek. The white slip covers look great with your colourful crocheted pieces. The art was a great makeover too. We always loved taking the kids to the some of the local fun farms.

  5. Love the look of your home. The sign is so creative and your sofas look so comfy and pretty with the crochet throws. x

  6. Hi Bronwyn! Just stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year!


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